AI extracted text from documents, such as summaries, keyword & name extractions, sentiment analysis and more can be encoded for instant use when called again.
From the users perspective they just run the operation from a menu or similar and the result is instant. The user should be able to see some notification by the command that the result has been pre-rendered (such as bullet), but this is a specific system implementation issue.
Each AI result will need to be on a separate page, to make it easy to remove or update any specific result. This also means that these do not need to be in as small a font as the rest of Visual-Meta but should not be large.
ai-result = {
Products and Systems:
NoteCards system
Hypercard (Apple’s Hypercard)
World-Wide Web
Communications of the ACM
ACM Journal of Computer Documentation
The Atlantic Monthly
IEEE Computer
ai-prompt = {You are an expert in names. Extract all the names in the following text, including the names of people, places, institutions and products.},
prompt-author = {Frode Hegland},
ai-engine = {gpt-4-1106-preview},
ai-operation-date = {2023-11-18T11/55/29Z)},
location = {UK},
Downloadable PDF
Sample PDF with embedded Visual-Meta and AI Visual-Meta:
@{ai-names-start} < Always use ‘@{ai-‘ followed by the name of the prompt and end with ‘-start}’ If the name of prompt is not known, use first 15 characters of the prompt itself
ai-results = { < Everything below is a simply copy of the AI analysis:
Products and Systems:
NoteCards system
Hypercard (Apple’s Hypercard)
World-Wide Web
Communications of the ACM
ACM Journal of Computer Documentation
The Atlantic Monthly
IEEE Computer
ai-prompt = {You are an expert in names. Extract all the names in the following text, including the names of people, places, institutions and products.}, < The Prompt sent to the AI itself
prompt-author = {Frode Hegland}, < User, if known
ai-engine = {gpt-4-1106-preview}, < Which version of the AI was used, if known
ai-operation-date = {2023-11-18T11/55/29Z)}, < Date and time of operation, if known
location = {UK}, < Location of user at time of operation, if known
@{ai-names-end} < Always use ‘@{ai-‘ then the name of the prompt followed by ‘-end}’. If the name of prompt is not known, use first 15 characters of the prompt itself