Note: Commentary is in < italic.
version = {1.1}, < This is the version number of Visual-Meta. This is not expected to change.
generator = {Author 7.0.1 (1020)}, < The name of the software which generated the Visual-Meta document (not necessarily the Visual-Meta itself, which may have been added by hand), including the version number (and build number in brackets if available)
appended-by = {Reader}, < The name of the software which appended Visual-Meta if it was created after document was made. This is instead of ‘generator’
in-reply-to-id = {vm-id}, < if the document is in response to a specific document, that document’s vm-id can be here [OPTIONAL]
in-reply-to-email = {email address of original author if this document is a reply and that email address was provided}, < connected to item above. [OPTIONAL]
organisation = {The Augmented Text Company}, < The name of the organisation responsible for the Visual-Meta
original-document = {FoT 4 (2023).liquid}, The name of the manuscript, for the author to have easy access
plaintext = {name of document.txt or .html} < Name of document which has plain text of this document. No security presumed. [OPTIONAL]
plaintext-url = {http : // /bafkreidwyzsvsbxwwy6mqlf4} < Where a plaintext version of this PDF is accessible from (shown with fake URL to allow for rendering on this webpage in WordPress) [OPTIONAL]