graph-name1 = {full name of graph},
graph-page = {page graph is on},
map-location-(%-of-page-on-x-axis-from-top-left) = {10}
map-location-(%-of-page-on-y-axis-from-top-left) = {200}
graph-size pixels x = {300}
graph-size pixels y = {300}
category = {optional category for entry},
html = {
<canvas id=”pieChartLoc” height=”300″ width=”300″></canvas>
<title>Bar Chart</title> <script src=”js/Chart.min.js”></script>
<canvas id=”barChartLoc” height=”300″ width=”300″></canvas>
var barChartLocData = { labels: [“January”, “Feburary”, “March”], datasets: [{ fillColor: “lightblue”, strokeColor: “blue”, data: [15, 20, 35] }] }; var mybarChartLoc = new Chart(document.getElementById(“barChartLoc”).getContext(“2d”)).Bar(barChartLocData);
Data from this example taken from https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/1e050f/draw-charts-in-websites-using-chart-js/
Main point is how this method allows for the insertion of raw HTML by labelling it as such.